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the wild and quirky world of 
alpacas & llamas

Beyond their beauty, Alpacas and Llamas have a lot of unique traits, quirks, and distinctions that make them who they are! We've compiled a list of our favourite facts to share with you!

There are many differences between the two, and just like humans, those differences fall under the following characteristics:


learn the facts of life

Alpacas are generally smaller than llamas. Alpacas stand about 90 cm (35 inches) at the shoulder and weigh between 150 - 200 lbs. Llamas, on the other hand, can reach up to 120 cm (47 inches) at the shoulder and weigh between 300 - 400 lbs.

height + weight

look at those fluffy butts!

alpaca, llama, alpaca

Alpacas are prized for their luxurious fibre, which is softer, warmer, and less prickly than sheep wool. Llama fibre, while also soft, tends to be coarser and is often used for rugs and ropes. Alpaca fibre comes in 22 natural colours ranging from white to black and everything in between

Alpacas have straight, spear-shaped ears, while llamas have long, banana-shaped ears. This is one of the easiest ways to tell them apart.

fibre and ears

Alpacas are generally more timid and gentle compared to llamas, which can be more independent and confident. This makes alpacas particularly popular for farm visits. 

Llamas are often used as guard animals for livestock in Canada. They are protective and can ward off predators like coyotes, making them valuable on farms.

occupational hazard

Both Llamas and Alpacas can live up to 20 years.  They are relatively easy to take care of and require less care and attention than a dog (especially our dogs!). As long as they have food, water, and a nice home/pasture they are content.

Alpacas are ‘earth friendly’ and cause minimal stress to their pasture. This is because of their padded feet and they graze in a non-destructive manner. They have three stomach compartments. Llamas and alpacas regurgitates its food and chews it again similar to a cow.

on Motherhood - Alpacas typically give birth to a single cria (baby alpaca) after an 11-12 month gestation period. Llamas also usually have one cria, but their gestation period is slightly longer, averaging around 12 months.

lifestyle + lifespan

We love to hear unique and unusual traits from these amazing animals! Drop us a line and let us hear all the cool facts you know!

do you have fun facts you want to share?

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